
Full Documentation & Guides

How Task Works

Updated on March 9, 2021

Add Task #

  • Go to the Job details page in which you want to add task.
  • Click on the add task link.
  • Fill all the required information and save.
  • Added task will be shown in list.
  • Task can be added by member who created project and also to whom shared the project.

Assign Task #

  • Go to the Job details in which you want to assign task to the subcontractor.
  • Click on the toggle icon for the task which task you want to assign.
  • All subcontractors will be able to see assigned task in job details page also subcontractor will receive an email that he has assigned a task.
  • Now subcontractor can start work on the task.
  • Task can be assigned by the member who created the project.

Start Task #

  • Go to the Job details in which you have been assigned a task
  • Click on the start button, now task has been started and status of task in In-Progress.
  • Now subcontractor need to complete the task.
  • Task will started by the subcontractor in the project.

Complete Task #

  • Go to the job details in which you want to complete the task.
  • Click on the complete button.
  • Now task has been completed and task status is pending for approval.
  • Task will be completed by the subcontractor in the project.

Approve Task #

  • Go to the task which has been completed and click on the approved button.
  • Now task has been approved.
  • Member will receive an email when task is completed.
  • Task will approved by the member who created the project.

Reopen Task #

  • Go to the task which had been approved and you want to reopen.
  • Click on the reopen button.
  • Now task has been reopened and member need to start work on task again.
  • When task is reopened the member will receive an email that task has been reopened.
  • Task will reopen by the member who created the project.

Reject Task #

  • Go to the task which has been completed and you want to reject.
  • Click on the reject button.
  • Now task has been rejected.
  • Member will receive an email when task has been rejected.
  • Task will be rejected by the member who created the project.


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